What is your Warranty Policy?

All products sold on GrowAce.com are offered with a 30-day warranty against any manufacturer defects. In many cases, the warranty coverage on many products exceeds the past 30 days. Please check the Warranty Information tab for each specific product. The manufacturer will replace any defective parts within the warranty period. All shipping costs are non-refundable. The buyer is responsible for the return shipping back to GrowAce.com unless notified otherwise by a representative. Any non-defective products returned to GrowAce.com will incur a return shipping charge that is the responsibility of the buyer or will fall under the return policy if applicable. Only parts will be covered under the manufactures defect warranty. It is the responsibility of the customer to determine which part is defective. The customer is responsible for the repairs or installation of new exchange parts. Only defective parts will be exchanged. For more information, please visit https://growace.com/pages/warranty-policy. If a product you’re looking for does not have warranty information, please contact us via email, live chat, or phone so we can check the warranty time frame.

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